Reimagine Nauticus Capital Campaign

Thank you for your generous donation to support the Reimagine Nauticus Campaign. All donors at the $500 and above will be invited to join us for a special ribbon cutting celebration on Nov. 7. Plus, thanks to the generosity of The Perry Family Foundation, all gifts and pledges up to $250,000 will be DOUBLED! Consider a year-end tax-deductible gift to support our campaign. If you would like to donate via check, please make payable to the Nauticus Foundation (Memo: Capital Campaign) and mail to Nauticus (Attn: Development Dept.) at 1 Waterside Drive, Norfolk, VA 23510.


Donor Recognition and Tribute Gifts

Please let us know your recognition name format for our donor recognition lists, if this is an anonymous gift, or if this is a tribute gift made in memory or in honor of someone. If this is a tribute gift please include the name of the person you would like to recognize.